
How music supports Wellness, Recovery from Illness

You listen to music all the time. … You don’t need to have musical talent to use music to enhance your well being, and even your health.You can enrich your mind, body, and spirit through music. .There has been an increasing awareness of how music supports wellness, recovery from illness and can be used as THERAPY for various medical conditions etc, but consider this too..


In the Western System of music, the notes in the scale are :

“C” – Vitamin C is also a very powerful antioxidant thats helps to build immunity, and corresponds to “Sa” in the Indian system of music.

“D” – Vitamin D is essential for bone health and to synthesize calcium and corresponds to “Re” in the Indian system of Music

“E” – Vitamin E, is also an excellent antioxidant and is very good for prostrate health besides other benefits and corresponds to “Ga” in the Indian system of Music

“F” – Vitamin F is composed of two fatty acids “Linoleic Acid” and “Alpha Linoleic Acid” – Omega 3 mainly, and corresponds to “Ma” in the Indian system of Music

“G” – Vitamin G is also popularly known as B2 or Riboflavin and its benefits in energy synthesis, as an anti-inflammatory , cannot be underestimated and corresponds to “Pa” in the Indian system of Music

“A” – Vitamin A is known for its many uses in the human body but the most popular are the beta carotene based uses in building immunity and supporting healthy vision and this corresponds to “Dha” in the Indian system of Music

“B” – Vitamin B is water soluble and has many parts B2, B3, B6, B12 etc,,many many uses of vitamin B in the body and is really powerful for its anti-inflammatory properties. I have even seen it help people with uric acid to reduce the swelling on their toes and ankles…corresponds to “Ni” ( not knee) in the Indian system of Music


Just a thought of how notes can build healthy neurons

#Music, #supports, #Wellness, #Recovery,#Illness, #Therapy, #antioxidant

Maanveer, a graduate from St Xaviers College, Mumbai has worked extensively with leading Indian Classical Musicians producing repertoire for organisations like CBS & Music Today. Being passionate about research into impact of Music on Human Behaviour & Wellness he continues to explore areas of applied Music as a Therapy.
Maanveer can be reached on ms@music4therapy.in
His website is www.music4therapy.in

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